
O RLY? Birther Queen Coyly Calls for Armed Insurrection Against Obama Regime

Looks Like Orly Taitz' Bad Year Could Still Get Even Worse

Birther Queen Taitz in recent screen test for Courtney Love biopic.

Ben Frumin tips us off via Talking Points Memo:
In a blog post on her website titled "It might be time now," birther queen Orly Taitz seemed to suggest today a call to arms against President Obama:

What is the real intention of this Kenyan, Indonesian communist usurper? Is it to provide security for us or to destroy our security? Judge for yourself.

Seeing targeted destruction of our economy, our security, dissipation of American jobs, massive corruption in the Government, Congress Department of Justice and Judiciary, it might be time to start rallies and protests using our second amendment right to bear arms and organise in militias. >more...