
Palin: Not Too Late to Enter GOP Goat Rodeo

The Associated Press reports:

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Sarah Palin says it's not too late for someone to jump into the Republican presidential race.

Asked by Fox Business Network's "Follow the Money" about the likelihood that she'd become a candidate, the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee said it's not too late for "folks" to jump in. Said Palin: "Who knows what will happen in the future."

The full interview is scheduled for broadcast Monday night... >more


Virginia Teabaggers Take Issue With Allen's Endorsement Claims

Senator Macaca steps in it

Wesley P. Hester reports in the Richmond Times-Dispatch:

While surfing the Web last week, Kerry Scott was surprised to learn that she had endorsed U.S. Senate candidate George Allen.

After receiving a quizzical email from a friend, Scott found her name attached to a release from Allen's campaign titled: "Virginia Tea Party Patriots Endorse George Allen for U.S. Senate." The list includes more than 100 individuals from across the state, and in most cases, their respective organizations.

But while Scott is indeed affiliated with the movement, heading the Alexandria Tea Party, she never lent her support to Allen, a former Virginia governor seeking to reclaim the Senate seat he lost to Jim Webb in 2006.

"I don't know where that list was generated or who put it together," she said, noting that she immediately called Allen's campaign and had her name removed from the list on Allen's website.

In fact, Scott was already spoken for - by one of Allen's rivals for the GOP nomination. For months, Scott has been on an endorsement list for Jamie Radtke, a Chesterfield County tea party activist.

"I really, really want a fresh face in D.C., and I really want a citizen legislator who's going to say no to all the spending and growth of government," Scott said.

She noted that Allen's release also had the name of her tea party organization wrong... >more